Istanbul Ocakbaşi Holzkohlegrill

Opening hours (for pickup)Th: 11:00 until 00:00
Donnerstag Pizzatag
Pizza 32 cm nach Wahl
Available for Preorder
Every Thursday: 11:00 until 23:59
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Donnerstag - Lahmacun
Lahmacun mit Kebapfleisch
Available for Preorder
Every Thursday: 11:00 until 23:59
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsangebot 1
Kebapteller mit Pommes oder Reis und 1 Getränk
Available for Preorder
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:00
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsangebot 2
Tavuksisteller mit Pommes oder Reis und 1 Getränk
Available for Preorder
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:00
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittagsangebot 3
Kanatteller mit Pommes oder Reis und 1 Getränk
Available for Preorder
Every Monday - Friday: 11:00 until 14:00
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Montag 26cm Pizzatag
Pizza 26 cm nach Wahl
Not available
Every Monday: 11:00 until 23:59
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Montag 32cm Pizzatag
Pizza 32 cm nach Wahl
Not available
Every Monday: 11:00 until 23:59
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Dienstag Kebaptag
Kebap Sandwich
Not available
Every Tuesday: 11:00 until 23:59
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittwoch Pizzatag
Pizza 26 cm nach Wahl
Not available
Every Wednesday: 11:00 until 23:59
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
Mittwoch Dürümtag
Dürüm mit Kebapfleisch
Not available
Every Wednesday: 11:00 until 23:59
Please notice: Discounts will not be applied to this product.
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